Muni On-Time Performance

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 Service Quality: Convenient and safe transit and other services that deliver a positive customer experience


Muni on-time performance


On-time performance (OTP) measures how well Muni vehicles adhere to the schedule and serves as an indicator for the reliability and attractiveness of Muni service as a travel option for our customers.


Muni on-time performance is calculated by dividing the count of vehicle timepoint departures that are on-time (within four minutes late or one minute early of the scheduled arrival time) by the number of total departures, reported system-wide.


sum ([on time arrivals]) ÷ sum ([total departures])


Achieve 85% on-time performance in accordance with City Charter

Reporting Frequency



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The SFMTA has begun using a new vehicle locating system to measure on-time performance based on departure times, rather than arrival times as in the previous system. This is consistent with changes to internal methodology and, among other advantages, allows for better measurement of on-time performance at the beginnings of trips as vehicles depart from their origin terminals. The change in methodology will be reflected in the April 2019 data and going forward. Records prior to April 2019 measure the on-time performance of arrivals.

Reported results are subject to change as data quality improves or new data becomes available.


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