Shop, Dine and Explore Parkside on Muni

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The Parkside neighborhood offers a unique blend of vibrant city life and a cozy, community-oriented atmosphere. As you hop on Muni, you'll find yourself on a delightful journey through Parkside's tree-lined streets, with opportunities at every stop to explore the neighborhood's small businesses, quaint eateries, and hidden treasures.  

Ride with Ease to the Parkside

L-Taraval, 29 Sunset, 48 Quintara-24th Street, 57 Parkmerced, 58 Lake Merced, 66 Quintara, 18th 66th avenue,  

Shop, Dine, Explore 

  • Shop: Embark on a shopping adventure along Taraval Street. The bustling thoroughfare has an array of small-businesses to browse.  

  • Dine: Parkside boasts an array of diverse culinary delights, from delectable dim sum to mouthwatering tacos, the neighborhood ensures a culinary adventure for every palate.  

  • Explore: Gulls, pelicans, sand dollars and jellyfish can be found along the adjacent southern stretch of Ocean Beach, and residents may even hear an occasional wild roar emanating from within the award-winning San Francisco Zoo. 

Learn more at SFPOPS