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9 San Bruno Rapid Capital Proposal Going to SFMTA Board Oct 7

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Muni Forward

On October 7, 2014, the SFMTA Board of Directors will review the proposals for the 9 San Bruno Rapid Capital Project and make an official decision to legislate the proposal. If approved, the proposal will improve the reliability of Muni and reduce delays on the 9-San Bruno for over 15,000 daily riders. 

For more information about the upcoming Board meeting, visit An official meeting agenda with our detailed proposal will be posted on the Board page on Friday, October 3rd. To learn more about the improvements we're proposing, check out the graphics below, or visit the 9 San Bruno Rapid Proposal's project page.  

9 San Bruno Rapid Capital Proposals:

Accessible version of the proposed changes. Click maps below to enlarge. 

9 San Bruno Overview

Jerrold to Oakdale






