FINAL UPDATE: All lines have returned to their normal routes except the 18. The 18 will continue to reroute until 4 p.m. (More: 19 in last 48 hours)

Taxi Luggage Reminder from SFO

Effective Date
Wednesday, July 26, 2023 - 9:30am
News categories
Taxi Industry

Taxi drivers are required to take all luggage presented by a customer. The only exceptions are:

  • A single piece clearly exceeds the available dimensions of the taxi (such as a surfboard in a Prius)
  • An attempt is made to load all the luggage and it is demonstrated that it will not fit.

It is not acceptable to simply claim that the luggage will not fit without attempting to load it first. Drivers who do not attempt to fit the customer’s luggage may be cited for fare refusal. If you have any issues, contact Curbside Management at 650-821-2700.