ATTN: IB 29 blocked on Gilman btwn Hawes and Bill Walsh Way due to heavy vehicle traffic. Expect 29 to reroute via Hawes to Gilman. No 29 svc btwn Hawes and Bill Walsh Way. (More: 8 in last 48 hours)

Percentage of Muni customer feedback cases addressed within timeliness standards (28 business days)

Monday, January 1, 2024


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Inclusivity: Community engagement to understand needs and shape agency priorities.


Percentage of Muni customer feedback cases addressed within timeliness standards.


This metric will track and measure % of customers submitting a Muni Customer Service Report that are addressed by the agency within an agreed-upon "timeliness" standard of 28 business days.


The percentage of Muni Customer Service Reports addressed within timeliness standards is determined by the number of Muni Customer Service Reports addressed within timeliness standards (28 business days) by the total number of Muni Customer Service Reports and is reported system-wide.


sum ([number of Muni Customer Service Reports addressed within timeliness standards]) ÷ sum ([number of Muni Customer Service Reports])


Achieve 80% addressed rate within timeliness standards in FY 22-23.

Reporting Frequency



For questions, comments, and accessibility issues, please contact the Performance Team at


Reported through Muni Customer Service System in Salesforce since 2020, historically reported through 311 and referred to as “Passenger Service Reports" or "PSRs."


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