Airport Ground Transportation Fees 6.3.2020

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San Francisco International Airport Ground Transportation Providers - Taxis

All airport access fees will continue at the same levels through the end of Fiscal Year 2021 (June 30, 2021). As we will not be making any changes, and because of the risks posed by Covid-19, we will not have our annual in-person meeting with each transportation mode. If you are unsure your current rate or charge, please reach out to GTU at

We have received requests for a reduction or elimination of trip fees due to the financial hardships brought on by COVID-19. The airport is unable to do so at this time as the airport is also under extreme financial pressure due to the pandemic. Additionally, federal regulations specify that airports must derive as much of their revenue from non-aviation sources as possible. All ground transportation modes are required to pay their share of trip fees to conform with these federal regulations.

Attached you’ll find a copy of our latest air travel forecast report. We hope this report can help you position your business to weather this pandemic as best you can.