9 San Bruno Rapid Project

Project Introduction

The 9 San Bruno Rapid Project includes transit and safety improvements along 11th Street and Bayshore Boulevard. With this project, thousands of Muni riders will have a quicker, more reliable ride, with a safer space to get on and off the bus.  Construction was completed in March 2017 on several transit bulbs and transit islands to improve Muni reliability, reduce delay, and enhance safety and accessibility. 

Project Status
  1. Completed

Project goals:

  • Reduce Muni delay associated with buses merging in and out of traffic at transit stops.

  • Enhance safety and access for people getting on and off Muni.

  • Improve bike facilities and cyclist safety.

Key Project features:

Transit Islands:

Transit islands reduce Muni delays by eliminating the need for buses to merge in and out of traffic. Islands also allow the steps on the bus to line up with the curb, making it easier and more accessible for people to get on and off. With this project, our transit islands also serve as a buffer between bike lanes and the travel lane to keep cyclists safe. 

Transit island on Bayshore
New transit island on Bayshore Blvd.

Transit bulbs:

Transit bulbs have a lot of the same benefits as transit islands but they also widen the sidewalk to give people more space to wait for Muni. 

Transit bulb at 11th/Harrison
A new transit bulb on 11th Street at Harrison. 

Stop consolidation and optimization:

To improve travel time and reliability, a few stops were removed in April 2015. A few stops have also been moved across the intersection so riders can use the new transit bulbs and islands. 

    Project Details, History or Features

    What's included as part of the 9 San Bruno Rapid Project?

    Intersection Treatment
    11th at Harrison Transit island (outbound), transit bulb (inbound)
    Bayshore at Jerrold

    Transit bulb (inbound)

    Bayshore at Oakdale

    Transit bulb (inbound), stop moved across the intersection

    Bayshore at Flower

    Transit island (outbound), stop moved accross the intersection 

    Bayshore at Cortland Transit bulb (outbound), transit island (inbound)

    Fast Tracked Segment

    Note that approval and implementation of the following segment of this Rapid Project was approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors in Spring 2014: