UPDATE: #SFMuni Market Street service resuming normal operations btwn 3rd and 4th in both directions. (More: 24 in last 48 hours)

Greenhouse gas reductions from off-street electric charging stations

Saturday, July 1, 2023

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Climate Action: Implementation of policies and infrastructure to protect communities and reduce carbon emissions.


Greenhouse gas reductions from off-street electric charging stations


Measuring the greenhouse gas reductions from off-street electric charging stations helps the SFMTA track its progress toward achieving San Francisco’s Climate Action and Transit First policy goals to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


Estimated reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from usage of off-street charging stations in our garages. Data leveraged from our vendor, ChargePoint, and is available on a monthly and quarterly basis.


GHG savings calculations are based on the energy dispensed by SFMTA’s charging stations. ChargePoint estimates how far an EV can travel using the energy from the stations, calculate the emissions caused by generating this electricity, and compare this with the emissions that would be generated by a gas-powered vehicle going the same distance.



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For questions, comments, and accessibility issues, please contact the Performance Team at performance@sfmta.com.


Reported results are subject to change as data quality improves or new data becomes available.


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