Divisions & Units

Job Order Contracting

Job Order Contracting (JOC) reports to Capital Programs and Construction our responsiibilities Constructibility & Technical Compliance - Responsible for performing technical reviews of designs and contracts produced by the Division to ensure...

Livable Streets

Livable Streets leads projects focused on creating safe and inviting streets and sidewalks for all who walk and use a bicycle. This includes enhancements to the bicycle and pedestrian environment, deploying nearly 190 school crossing guards, and...

Portrait of Acting Livable Streets Director Kimberly Leung

Kimberly Leung

Acting Livable Streets Director

Maintenance of Way

Our Responsibilities Track and Signal Maintenance, Infrastructure Maintenance and Overhead Lines; maintaining facilities and infrastructure (garages and shops), light rail right-of-way, track way, fare collection system, vehicle and station cleaning...

Marketing & Digital Communications

The Marketing and Digital Communications team oversees all the creative services for the agency, including our brand guidelines, photography and photo archive, graphic design, wayfinding and signage. We manage the public service announcment (PSA)...

Portrait of Marketing Manager Jeanne Brophy

Jeanne Brophy

Marketing Manager

Media Relations & Social Media

Drives efforts to increase public awareness and understanding of and confidence in the SFMTA and its role managing the city’s transportation system through robust relationships with media partners, media monitoring and proactively promoting the work...

Erica Kato

Erica Kato

Chief Spokesperson & Media Relations Manager

Office of Racial Equity & Belonging (OREB)

The Office of Racial Equity & Belonging (OREB) is responsible for directing and developing strategies for advancing racial equity, mobility justice and intersecting equity needs in all areas of work at the agency. The office directs integrated...


Our Responsibilies Parking Meters – Installs, modifies and maintains 26,525 parking meters; evaluates new technologies for meter replacement and enhancement. Signs - Installs, modifies, and maintains over 200,000 traffic and parking signs. Paint -...

Parking Enforcement

Parking and Traffic Enforcement consists of various details including general meter enforcement, color curbs, commute zones, double parking, abandoned autos, resident permit parking. The subdivision is responsible for towing of illegally parked...

Parking Operations Shops

Portrait of Daryl Robinson.

Daryl Robinson

Acting Director of Parking, Curb Management, Operations Shops & Contract Administration. Deputy Director of Parking Operations Shops

Parking, Curb Management, Operations Shops & Contract Administration

The Parking, Curb Management, Operations Shops and Contract Administration Group sets parking and curb regulations, and manages on-street and off-street assets and related contracts, to achieve the SFMTA's strategic goals and to raise revenue to...

Portrait of Daryl Robinson.

Daryl Robinson

Acting Director of Parking, Curb Management, Operations Shops & Contract Administration. Deputy Director of Parking Operations Shops


Payroll is a part of HR Operations Our responsiblities Set Up and Maintainance of Employee Pay Data: Personal data, job data, federal, state tax information, general and benefit deductions, premium pays, and direct deposits Collection of time and...


Our responsibilities Performance – Leads strategic planning, capital project controls, performance measurement, process improvement, and the MuniMobile fare payment program for the Agency.

Travis Fox

Chief Performance Officer


The Planning subdivision consists of the following sections: Long Range Planning & Policy – Creates local and regional transportation plans and addresses capital planning, asset management, climate change action, and sustainability within the agency...

Portrait of Maia Small.

Maia Small

Planning Director