Cuts to Muni service are expected this summer.
Because of the $50 million budget shortfall facing the SFMTA starting this July, we are going to have to cut Muni service this summer. This is not what we want to do. But, due to our budget constraints, we have no choice. We understand the ramifications this is going to have for the community. We are doing everything we can to minimize the impacts on San Franciscans.
SFMTA staff will present three approaches for potential summer service cuts at our next Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 4. We want to hear from you as we work to reduce impacts as much as possible. We welcome you to join us in person or online for the meeting.
Why we have to reduce service
Beginning in July, we won't be able to afford to replace transit operators, maintenance or cleaning staff. We're facing a $50 million budget shortfall. The shortfall is driven primarily by lower-than-expected transit and parking revenue and lower-than-expected revenue from the city's General Fund.
We've cut spending, increased transit fare enforcement, become more efficient and paused most hiring. But it's still not enough to close the gap.
So, in summer 2025, we'll have to cut Muni service by about 4%, which will save about $15 million. We'll make up the other $35 million in other ways, including improving fare compliance and optimizing our parking programs.
Understanding the three approaches
The three approaches we'll be asking our Board of Directors and the public to provide feedback on are designed to minimize impacts to riders and San Francisco. The final proposal will incorporate this feedback while balancing the needs of different communities. Each approach has a slightly different focus and different trade-offs:
1. Preserve high ridership routes
Description: We would suspend some lower ridership routes. This would be done where there are parallel options.
- Longer walks to Muni stops
- An increase in transfers for riders to get to their destinations
2. Maintain all existing connections
Description: We would maintain current Muni service coverage. But, we would reduce how often buses come on Rapid corridors and Connectors citywide. (Note: Connectors are short “circulator” routes that connect neighborhoods and hillsides to the Muni network).
- Longer wait times, especially on Connector routes
- More crowded buses
- Increased pass-ups at stops when buses are too full for more riders to board
3. Preserve service on routes in neighborhoods identified by our Muni Service Equity Strategy
Description: We would suspend routes and reduce the frequency of service elsewhere in the city.
- Longer wait times
- Longer walks to Muni stops
- An increase in transfers for riders to get to their destinations
What to expect
On Tuesday, our Board of Directors will provide us with input on these possible approaches to service cuts. We also hope to receive public comment.
Next, we will share a multilingual online form and other options for the public to get more information and weigh in on these approaches. From there, we will work to develop a service plan for summer that is as minimally disruptive as possible.
The final proposal for service cuts that we present to our Board in March may look like one of the approaches outlined above, or it may be a combination. The feedback we receive will help shape what it will look like.
It is currently anticipated that the SFMTA Board would consider the proposal at its March 18 meeting. We expect to implement the service cuts in summer 2025.
Share your ideas at our next meeting
We invite you to attend the Board Meeting Feb. 4 at 1 p.m. at City Hall Room 400, or watch the meeting online. If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like to give public comment, send an email to by Feb. 3 at 12 p.m. to ensure your comment is received by the Board in advance of the meeting. You can also get more information by calling 415.646.2005. Free language assistance is available at the meeting with 48 hours' notice.
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