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MuniSafe: 安全,保障和良好行為

安全是三藩市交通局首要任務,Muni 每天為數千人提供服務,保持安全很重要,并且用友好和尊重的態度對待乘客。 各種基於性別和種族的騷擾、攻擊和性暴力,在三藩市交通局工作網路中都嚴格禁止,包括在車輛上、車站以及設施内。威脅、傷害或騷擾乘客以及三藩市交通局員工都屬非法,不會被容忍。 在該頁面: 良好行為准則 報告 Muni 的罪案 結束騷擾 其他規則及規例 避免在Muni被盜 深夜車站 安全使用...


Waivers for people experiencing homelessness or low-income and reduction for first time tow

    Experiencing homelessness in San Francisco?

    Eligible vehicle owners experiencing homelessness who have visited a Coordinated Entry Point in the past 6 months will receive a one-time

    • Administrative fee waiver
    • Tow fee waiver
    • Up to 30 days storage waiver
    • Dolly waiver

    Limit one per vehicle owner

    Flyer: Steps on how to become eligible

    List: Coordinated Entry Points

    Low-income in San Francisco?  

    Eligible low-income vehicle owners will receive

    • Administrative fee waiver
    • Reduction of the tow fee
    • Up to 15 days storage waiver
    • Dolly waiver
    First-time tow in San Francisco?

    Individuals whose vehicle has never been previously towed by the SFMTA or SFPD will receive

    • Reduction of the administrative fee

    Reduced fee schedule

    Administrative fee

    Administrative fee (one for all vehicles) Fee to be paid
    All tows $347
    First-time tow $293
    Low-income or experiencing homelessness $0

    Tow fee

    Tow fee (one for all vehicles) Fee to be paid
    People experiencing homelessness $0
    Low-income $100
    All others $286

    How to Qualify

    Present one of the following:

    • California State Medi-Cal
    • Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
    • SFMTA Lifeline card
    • WIC benefits,
    • Fully completed Income Verification form to be submitted with the form below

    You may be required to submit the most current award letter.  NO tax documentation will be accepted.

    Reductions May Be Applied When Paying Your Tow Fees

    No reductions are available without proof of eligibility. Persons unable to prove eligibility must pay the non-reduced fees.

    Qualified individual registered owners who submit proof of eligibility when paying the tow fees will automatically receive the reduction.

    Request Reimbursement of Certain Tow Fees 

    Individual owners who pay the non-reduced fees may request reimbursement if eligibility can be proven within 30 days of the vehicle being claimed.

    Reductions are itemized on the SFMTA receipt.  Check your SFMTA receipt to verify whether you received waivers or reductions.

    If you paid the full or higher administrative fee to the SFMTA and feel you qualify for certain low-income waivers or a first-time tow reduction, fill out the form below to request reimbursement as applicable to your case. You will be required to upload your receipt and proof of eligibility.

    After completing the form, you will receive a confirmation email and further details from


    • All requests for reimbursement must be received within 30 days from the date of tow or 30 days from the date of paying the non-reduced fees 
    • The owner (or renter) of the towed vehicle must be an individual
    • Nonowners are not eligible for low-income waivers
    • For rented or leased vehicles, the rental or lease agreement must be from a bonafide car rental company and identify the renter or lessee as the vehicle's driver
    • All businesses, including partnerships, trusts, for-profit corporations, and nonprofit corporations are excluded
    • First-time tow individuals will be required to provide DMV registration showing the first date of ownership of their vehicle
    • The SFMTA tows vehicles in San Francisco only; vehicles towed in other jurisdictions are not eligible for reductions or reimbursement
    • You must provide a USA mailing address to receive reimbursement

    Please complete this form to apply for a reimbursement

    Vehicle tow program phone: 415.646.2200 email:


    前來了解Potrero Yard的未來規劃


    敬邀您來參加我們在公園舉辦的活動,了解Potrero Yard 未來有哪些規劃,參加我們的導覽活動,親自體驗Potrero Yard 的內部設施。帶上您的親友一起參加!我們將備有適合所有年齡層的食物和活動。導覽活動從中午12:30 開始,最晚一班的導覽在下午2:30 。西班牙語的導覽時間為下午1:00 和下午2:00 。我們並將為參加的殘障人士安排適當 的 無障礙設施。


    Northeast Mission Parking Planning - Open House #1


    Mission東北區鄰里鄉親、朋友、以及本地企業業主大家好! 你們平常是否會開車、搭公車或騎單車、停車,或是否會收到住宅或商業 快遞 ? 我們需要您的寶貴意見! 請幫助我們一臂之力,為住在 Mission東北區鄰里的你們、你們的朋友、家人、芳鄰、以及本地企業,打造一個無障礙的停車和路沿環境。 敬請前來參加社區會議,讓我們知道我們可以如何滿足各位的停車與路沿需求。 2019年7月10日 — 星期三...




    Mission東北區鄰里鄉親、朋友、以及本地企業業主大家好! 你們平常是否會開車、搭公車或騎單車、停車,或是否會收到住宅或商業 快遞 ? 我們需要您的寶貴意見! 請幫助我們一臂之力,為住在 Mission東北區鄰里的你們、你們的朋友、家人、芳鄰、以及本地企業,打造一個無障礙的停車和路沿環境。 敬請前來參加社區會議,讓我們知道我們可以如何滿足各位的停車與路沿需求。 2019年7月10日 — 星期三...


    Better Market Street

    導言 (Project Introduction)

    Better Market Street is an ongoing, collaborative effort to redesign San Francisco’s most important street. Market Street can become a place where people can gather, spend time and enjoy the sights of the city, as well as a convenient way to access transit, connect by bicycle and walk to diverse destinations along the corridor.



    居住在三藩市的低收入及中等收入年長者,使用Clipper卡可享有免費乘坐Muni的福利。 擁有免費的Muni Clipper卡後,您可以將其轉移到 Clipper App上的手機中。 所有年滿65歲的三藩市年長者,如果其家庭年度總收入等於或低於灣區中位收入水平的百分之百(如下表所列),均符合本計劃的條件。 房子大小 家庭年收入 1 $104,900 2 $119,900 3 $134,850 4...



    過期的生命線卡已延長至2025年4月。 生命線通行證是針對收入有限的客戶的Muni每月通行證。 Lifeline客戶可以在一個日曆月內無限制地使用Muni服務,包括纜車。通票的價格比成人標準月票價格低50%。年總收入(稅前)等於或低於聯邦貧困線(收入水平低於200%)的個人有資格獲得生命線通行證。 如果您的騎行次數不足以需要月票,那麼 SFTMA 可為您提供更好的選擇。 Clipper START...



    為舊金山帶來更安全的速度 在舊金山,超速是導致交通死亡和重傷的主要原因——而降低速度是我們可以用來挽救生命的最有效的工具。 減慢車速是“零願景”的核心原則,該願景是在全市範圍內消除交通死亡的承諾。舊金山正在製定和實施一項全面的速度管理戰略,該戰略將降低整個城市主要走廊的速度限制,同時開展教育活動和外展活動、改進執法戰略和穩定交通。根據 2021 年通過的第 43 號議會法案(弗里德曼)...


    為殘疾人士免費提供Muni (Free Muni for People with Disabilities)

    位於 11 South Van Ness 的 SFMTA 客戶服務辦公室在以下時間接受 RTC 折扣 ID 卡的新申請:週一至週五上午 8:00 - 5:00 PM。 請攜帶填寫完整的申請表來訪。 您可以在線申請更新或申請更換 RTC 折扣 ID 卡。 僅舊金山居民可免除與在線更新或更換卡相關的所有費用。 您還可以下載並郵寄續卡或遺失卡紙質申請表以接收新卡。 如果您通過郵件提交申請...


    Community Service Program

    SFMTA的社區服務計劃為客戶提供在舊金山執行社區服務的選擇,以取代停車票和過境引證付款。客戶最多可以註冊兩種付款方案,每個日曆年罰款和罰款最高為1,000美元。每完成一小時的社區服務,客戶就可以獲得20美元的獎勵。 社區服務計劃不適用於目前引導或拖曳車輛的引用。沒有引用重新註冊,合同延期, 或修訂將被授予。 在線查找引用和車輛信息. 如何註冊 在線-完成在線申請;要么 親自...



    開鎖費: $505 如果您的車被鎖輪,從輪鎖安裝之時起,您有 72 小時的時間(週末及假日除外)支付積欠罰單和逾期金,以避免您的車被拖走。 被鎖或被拖的車不可用社區服務代替罰單付款和逾期金,亦不可分期付款。 低收入開鎖費: $75 低收入開鎖費須親臨 SFMTA 客戶服務中心 繳付,地址 : 11 South Van Ness Avenue (臨近市集街)。 更多關於收入標準的資訊可在...


    付款計劃 - Payment Plan

    SFMTA’s 付款計劃為客戶提供了在每月付款計 劃中註冊停車場引用和過境違規的選項。註冊的客戶必鬚根據登記的總金額進行最低每月付款。如果未能按月支付最低款項並且未能在完成日期之前完成計劃,則將導致計劃取消並對過期的引用進行處罰。 付款方案不適用於當前啟動或拖曳車輛的引用。沒有引用重新註冊,合同延期, 或修訂將被授予。 研究與您的車輛相關的引文. 在線查找引用和車輛信息. 如何註冊 在線...



    SFMTA為年收入總額(稅前)等於或低於以下聯邦貧困線200%的低收入客戶提供許多交通票價和停車相關費用的折扣。 此外, 無家可歸者可享受多項折扣。 收入限制如下(根據前一年): 家庭人口* 1 2 3 4 5 6 年收入 $30,120 $40,880 $51,640 $62,400 $73,160 $83,920 * 超過八人,每位家庭成員增加 $10,640 目前,以下計劃可享受折扣和豁免...


    Muni Forward 5 Fulton Rapid Proposal

    導言 (Project Introduction)

    As part of Muni Forward, SFMTA has identified the 5 Fulton corridor as being a part of its proposed Rapid Network. In most cities, a Rapid Network is bus service with dedicated lanes and vehicles that allows transit to move swiftly on the street. With our Rapid Network, we intend to build transit priority lanes with efficient stop spacing to move buses quickly along their routes. We’ll also create better boarding zones to make it safer and faster for passengers to get on board, and make it easier to find our bus stops and shelters with improved signage.

    The 5 Fulton route carries about 19,000 daily customers on an average weekday. The route’s study corridor is 5.6 miles long and includes Fulton Street between La Playa and Central Avenue, Central Avenue between Fulton and McAllister streets, and McAllister Street between Central Avenue and Market Street. Within the study area, the 5 Fulton operates at an average speed of 9.7 miles per hour during peak periods.  In order to reduce transit travel times and improve reliability within its proposed Rapid Network, the SFMTA proposes a toolkit of measures within the study area.

    5 Fulton Rapid Proposal Overview

    5 Fulton Rapid Proposal

    What's Included in the 5 Fulton Rapid Proposal?

    To reduce travel times and enhance reliability on the routes that make up its proposed Rapid Network, Muni Forward has identified a variety of Travel Time Reduction Proposals (TTRPs), which are engineering strategies oriented to specifically address the delays vehicles face along rapid routes. As a part of the proposed Rapid Network, the 5 Fulton has its own toolkit of TTRPs, which specifically target the evaluated causes of delays within the 5 Fulton corridor. The proposal includes:

    • Increasing bus stop spacing from 1.5 blocks to two blocks east of Arguello Boulevard and from two blocks to three blocks in the Richmond District. Currently, the 5 Fulton stops about every 1.5 blocks between Market Street and Arguello Boulevard and about every two blocks in the Richmond District. This proposal moves toward a two-block spacing between Market Street and Arguello Boulevard where blocks are longer and toward a three-block spacing in the Richmond District where blocks are shorter. By stopping fewer times, the bus would take less time to move through the corridor.
    • Optimizing bus stop locations at 12 intersections. Relocating bus stops from the near-side to the far-side of intersections would allow buses to take advantage of planned transit signal priority improvements that could allow traffic signals to be programmed to hold green lights for approaching buses. Where the 5 Fulton turns at the STOP-controlled intersection of Central Avenue and McAllister Street, this proposal would relocate the bus stops to the near-side of the intersection, eliminating the need for buses to stop once for the STOP sign and again to pick-up and drop-off customers.
    • Adding transit bulbs at 16 intersections. Transit bulbs are sidewalk extensions alongside bus stops that allow buses to pick-up and drop-off customers and reduce delay by preventing the bus from having to pull out of the travel lane into a bus stop and then wait for a gap to merge back into traffic. Transit bulbs enhance the ability of buses to take advantage of all-door boarding and provide space for transit shelters and other customer amenities.
    • Replacing all-way STOP-controlled intersections with traffic signals or traffic calming measures at nine intersections. Currently, the 5 Fulton is delayed by having to stop at multiple intersections with STOP signs. Some STOP signs could be replaced with traffic signals that could be programmed to hold green lights for approaching buses. At some intersections along McAllister Street, traffic calming measures could replace STOP signs and eliminate the need for buses to come to a complete stop while maintaining pedestrian safety. Potential traffic calming measures include traffic circles or sidewalk extensions.
    • Adding right-turn pockets at 4 intersections. Right-turn pockets would reduce Muni delays associated with buses waiting behind right-turning motorists by providing a dedicated space for turning vehicles to queue.
    • Implementing a road diet on Fulton Street between Stanyan Street and Central Avenue. Within this six block segment of Fulton Street, the travel lanes are too narrow to allow large vehicles such as buses to travel alongside other vehicles moving in the same direction. By removing one travel lane in each direction and widening the remaining travel lanes, delays would potentially be reduced.
    • Adding peak-period parking restriction along east side of Central Avenue between Fulton and McAllister streets. Parking and loading along this block of Central Avenue delay Muni vehicles and make it difficult for buses traveling in opposite directions to pass each other. Restricting parking on the east side of Central Avenue during peak periods would provide more space for buses to maneuver and would reduce Muni delays.
    • Adding pedestrian bulbs or islands at 3 intersections. Two treatments are being considered to shorten crossing distances and improve pedestrian safety. Pedestrian bulbs are sidewalk extensions at intersection corners that improve pedestrian safety by reducing the roadway crossing distance, making pedestrians waiting to cross the street more visible to approaching motorists, and reducing the speed of motorists turning from cross streets. Pedestrian islands provide a raised refuge area in the middle of the street for crossing pedestrians.
    Together, the proposed changes are anticipated to reduce the travel time of the 5 Fulton by about six minutes in each direction (12 minutes total) within the study area (18 percent reduction), improving the average operating speed to 11.7 miles per hour and improving service reliability. Transit signal priority improvements are anticipated to save an additional 1.5 minutes in each direction. Other changes such as operational improvements and network enhancements would further improve travel times along the corridor and add valuable customer amenities such as NextBus displays. The travel time savings would also reduce operating costs on the line and allow for service to be cost effectively increased.

    Fast Tracked Segment

    Note that approval and implementation of the following segment of this Rapid Proposal is being fast-tracked:
    • Fulton Street between 46th and 25th Avenues
    Specifically, this segment is proposed for fast-tracking for the purpose of coordinating with an already-scheduled repaving project, which is anticipated for initiation between the Spring and Fall of 2014.

    Related Projects

    • Approved 5-Fulton Service Adjustments
      • On March 28, 2014, the SFMTA Board of Directors approved and legislated many of Muni Forward's proposed service and route changes, including service adjustments for the 5-Fulton. These adjustments include route restructuring, frequency improvements, and vehicle type changes, which will direct resources where they are needed most, reducing crowding and improving connections to regional transit.
    • 5-Fulton Rapid Service
      • View current Rapid Service for the 5-Fulton
    Project update

    Bayview Community Shuttle - April Update

    一 項全新的社區班車將於 2024 年 1 月在灣景獵人角開始服務,我們需要您的意見來設計這項目!三藩市公車局正在與加州空氣資源委員會和九個社區組織合作,為當今居住在灣景獵人角的居民提供舒適、受歡迎和高效率的動態服務社區班車。 我們可以怎樣參與其中? 您可以通過以下方式參與: 在我們的郵件名單內登記 參加我們的班車服務規劃調查 參加即將舉行的班車外展活動 參加社區代表大會 : 詳細信息將添加到...

    Project update


    2022年2月21日,三藩市交通局順利完成了基於訪谷區及Portola社區運輸計劃(CBTP)的民調工作。目前我們正在分析所獲信息,並確認主題,公衆關心的事項,需求和建議。 目前我們已整理出超過200的民調結果。除了民調之外,我們還舉辦了十幾次街邊會面,專題討論和會議。 最初的社區反饋將有助於我們制定草案,解決和融合訪谷區及Portola社區民眾的價值觀,優先選擇和需要。 瞭解更多基於訪谷區及...


    Active Communities Plan

    導言 (Project Introduction)

    預定活動時間表 3月11日: Alemany農民市場 3月16日: Western Addition社區討論會 #1 : 社區關注 3月19日: Outer Mission/Excelsior社區討論會 #1 : 社區關注 3月19日: Mission社區討論會 #1 : 社區關注 3月26日: Outer Mission/Excelsior社區討論會 #1 : 社區關注 3月26日...

    Project update


    2022年Muni服務會是什麼樣? 在過去幾個月裏,我們就如何於2022年初增加公車服務分享了 三項選擇。數百通電話和郵件以及數千份調查結果,我們收到了公眾意見。 為了在2022年初制定一個增加Muni服務的計劃,我們的公交規劃人員已使用此輸入方法,並結合巴士線路使用量最多以及和哪裡客流量最高的數據。 最近建議的調整包括: 調整針對J綫街車的第3選擇:晚間地鐵列車服務...

    Project update


    2021年秋季我們向三藩市乘客徵詢意見,就2022年初新增更多Muni服務事宜,詢問乘客我們該優先考慮的事項。我們通過面見、電郵和電話收集數百項意見及4,500多份問卷回覆。根據這些反饋意見,我們將制訂出一個專為殘疾人士和長者恢復公交通行的計劃。 我們也聽到在客流量高的Muni路線增加班次以減輕擁擠情況和減少等候時間的訴求,所以我們在資源容許的情況下進一步研究了這些機會。 通過評估服務和與公眾合作...

    Project update

    第二階段外展活動: 訪谷區及Portola區基於社區需求交通計劃中建議的改善項目

    在早先的外展工作中,我們從訪谷區及Potola區收到許多意見。我們已將這些意見匯總成一系列跨社區的可行工程。 以下地圖顯示的是基於社區需求交通運輸計劃所有可能實施的項目,連同在訪谷區和Portola區正在進行的工程。粗綫和大圈顯示的是該計劃所建議的工程,而細綫和小圈則是在這個社區展開的其他工程。 現在我們需要從您那得知什麽是正確的,什麽是錯誤的,什麽被我們完全忽視了。我們將根據這些意見...

    Project update


    一個繁榮與公平的社區和經濟,交通是重要的組成部分— 沒有強大的公共交通,就沒有經濟復甦。為確保滿足舊金山對交通的需求,在制定 2023 和 2024 財年預算草案之前,我們透過社區問卷調查收集反饋意見。該項調查現已結束,感謝您的參與! 您的反饋將幫助我們了解哪些投資對舊金山人最重要,並幫助我們的機構就兩年預算做出更明智的決定,包括票價可能 會增加或下調。舊金山交通局還提議,將所有19...

    Project update



    根據加州衛生局,三藩市公共衛生局以及聯邦交通管理部的最新指引,從2022年4月21日起,我們建議而不再强迫在交通局的設施及車上戴口罩,包括在殘障人輔助車輛和出租車上。在公交車,殘障人輔助車和出租車上戴口罩可以減少對COVID-19高風險族群的感染風險,例如年長者和殘障人士。 聯邦關於在公共交通設施及運輸樞紐,包括Muni車站内及公交車上戴口罩的指令於2022年4月18日起停止生效。...