Muni Metro Elevator Status
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Muni provides accessible public transit to virtually every corner of San Francisco and our agency believes in a transportation system that serves everyone. In pursuit of equity and inclusion, we implement system-wide Muni transit improvements that excel beyond the standards set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) so that you can get where you need to go.
Helpful Tips for Using Muni
Muni understands there is no one-size-fits-all solution to making transit accessible. Accessibility can mean different things to different people, depending on their needs. That is why Muni provides many different accessibility features and step-by-step guides for riding Muni buses, metro light rail and streetcars, from planning to paying to riding and exiting.
Plan your travel with Muni routes, stops and maps, stay informed with Elevator Status Updates, or learn more about Muni’s Service Animal Policy.
Muni offers many ways to pay your fare. Older adults and people with disabilities receive single ride discounts and discounted monthly passes for Muni travel. Low and moderate income residents may qualify for free access to Muni. Click here for a complete list of Muni fares.
All set? When Muni arrives, wait until the vehicle comes to a complete stop and let others exit before you board. Our Muni Access Guide provides helpful information about accessible boarding on Muni vehicles.
When nearing your stop, pull the cable cord or push the button to inform the operator that you want to get off. Consider remaining seated until the vehicle comes to a complete stop. If you enjoyed your ride, we encourage you to thank your operator as you exit.
Check out the Muni Access Guide to learn more about these and many more tips on Muni’s accessible and safety features. Upon request, we also provide Travel Training for older persons and persons with disabilities.
If you had a positive or negative experience on Muni, we’d love to hear about it! Contact the Mobility Management Center or call 415.351.7000 to share your questions or feedback.
Left something on a Muni vehicle? Find your lost item here.