Muni Art 2022 - Sebastian Raphael Artist Page

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This page is part of Muni Art 2022.

Sebastian Raphael portrait

Sebastian Raphael has always been fascinated by colors and words. Naturally he was drawn to Fine Art. The interest was cultivated during his childhood years and further developed when he became a fashion designer in Dubai, with over 10 years in the fashion Industry. Farther he developed his fashion skills with a fashion degree from Argosy University, Sebastian delved more into fashion design, had many successful fashion shows around the world, focusing on slow and sustainable Fashion. In 2021 Sebastian Raphael graduated with MFA in Textile design from Academy of Art University San Francisco, There he pursued his passion for education in order to teach the younger generation. Sebastian Raphael believes in the importance of arts to develop the behavior of future generations and to establish ways to integrate and develop society.

Poem Interpretations

The Changing Light

Recipe for Happiness in Khaborovsk or Anyplace

Populist Manifesto

At the Golden Gate

from What is Poetry?

Theme Interpretations

Streets of San Francisco

Artist Portfolio