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Mission Street changes approved by SFMTA Board

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The Mission Street Rapid Project will see a few changes approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors on Tuesday,  August 16, to help vehicle traffic flow more smoothly through the area. These modifications, as well as the original street design, were developed based on extensive feedback from the community we gathered through a series of efforts before and after the project rolled out.

The below changes are on the way for the Mission Street Rapid Project:

  • Two of the required right turns on Mission will be removed at 26th and 22nd streets.
    • This will allow people to drive four blocks on Mission before they encounter a required right turn, making it easier for them to park near businesses. We expect this change to improve traffic flow without increasing through-traffic delaying Muni riders.
  • The southbound (outbound) stop at Cortland Avenue will be moved to the near side of the intersection.
    • This will make it easier for Muni riders to board at the extended sidewalk.
  • Taxis will be exempted from the “no left turn” restriction at Mission and 21st streets.
    • This exemption will provide more flexibility for taxis to reach their destinations.

Moving forward, we will continue to monitor Mission Street to see if there are further opportunities for tweaks we can make to ensure the street works for everyone.