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14 Mission Rapid Project construction starts this month

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We're so excited to finally be kicking off contruction for the 14 Mission Rapid Project! This project includes a package of treatments aimed at improving reliability for the 14R, 14 and 49, enhancing pedestrian safety, reducing vehicle collisions, and easing traffic flow along the corridor. Key components rolling out this month include transit-only lanes, stop consolidation, left turn restrictions, and required right turns.



What’s Happening

February 13, 2016

Select bus stops removed for the 14 and 49

Heading toward downtown, stops will be removed on Mission at 29th, Fair, Precita, 23rd, 21st, 19th and 15th, and a new stop will be established at Powers. Towards Daly City, stops will be removed at 15th, 19th, 21st, 23rd, Precita, and 29th

February 22 - March 7*

Red lanes painted from 30th St to Cesar Chavez

March 7 - early April*

Red lanes painted and road re-striped from 14th St to Cesar Chavez

Rolling basis between March and April Required right turns and left turn restrictions will be implemented block-by-block as the transit-only lanes are striped


SFMTA paint crews will work from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM and from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM. 

During construction hours on the respective block the SFMTA paint crew is working:

  • Curbside parking and loading will be temporarily unavailable

  • Muni bus stops may be temporarily re-located to a nearby stop

  • Through auto traffic will be allowed but alternative routes are encouraged

  • Signs prior to construction on each block will be posted for all bus stop changes and parking restrictions

*Timeline could shift slightly due to weather .