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Transit-only lane construction begins Monday, February 22

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Starting February 22, SFMTA paint crews will begin striping the transit-only lanes along Mission between 30th and Cesar Chevez Streets. Paint work will be conducted block-by-block along Mission Street beginning at 30th Street and working inbound to Cesar Chavez Street. Once the inbound curbside transit-only lane is complete, crews will move onto the outbound curbside transit-only lane between Cesar Chavez and 30th Street. Weather permitting, paint work will take place between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mondays to Fridays. Weekend night work may be required from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., the next day.

During construction hours along Mission Street between 30th and Cesar Chevez streets:

  • Curbside parking and loading will not be allowed
  • Muni bus stops may be temporarily re-located to a nearby stop
  • Signs for all bus stop changes and parking restrictions will be posted prior to construction on each block

Motorists are encouraged to use alternative routes during construction.

The transit-only lanes north of Cesar Chavez will be striped once the southern lanes are compelete. 

Mission Street rendering