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Lower Great Highway Pedestrian Improvements Project - Revised Near-Term Proposal and Open House for Medium-Term Proposal

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Revised Near-Term Proposal

The Lower Great Highway Pedestrian Improvements Project team has incorporated the feedback we heard at our April Open House, June Public Hearing, and conversations with community members to develop a revised near-term proposal. The number of red visibility zones has been reduced from 28 to 20, and back-in angled parking is being proposed on the west (beach) side of the street between Kirkham and Lawton streets, gaining 17 additional spots. The 15 proposed painted safety zones (sidewalk extensions) remain unchanged.

With the additional angled parking, the near-term proposal would reduce parking by 15 spaces over the 2 mile corridor. See the updated project map for more information.  

The revised near-term proposal will go back to Public Hearing on Friday, September 14th. A separate email will be sent with the time and location of the hearing, along with instructions on how to provide your feedback if you can't attend.

Open House for Medium-Term Proposal

The project team will hold a second Open House on September 12th to present medium-term proposals to the community and collect your feedback. Information on the revised near-term proposal will also be available.

Wednesday, September 12th
6 PM to 8 PM (Drop in at anytime)
Sunset Cooperative Nursery School
4245 Lawton Street   

The medium-term proposal will include median islands, raised crosswalks, refreshed and updated roadway striping, and new signage.

Please send any questions, comments, or concerns to Nick Smith at