If you need a temporary “No Parking” or “No Stopping” zone, the SFMTA provides temporary tow-away signs for use during special events and for moving vans.
Temporary Tow-Away No Stopping (TANS) Signage
Temporary TANS signs are required to inform the public that vehicles parked in the posted no parking spaces, reserved by the sign’s dates and times, will be towed to clear the space required for the event. These signs shall be used to reserve the necessary parking space for special events such as commercial or residential moves, corporate events, funerals, and other similar needs. Temporary TANS signs are not intended to be used for parking of a personal vehicle. The issuance of the sign is regulated by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.
If you wish to apply for signage, please log in to the SFMTA online portal
Please allow a minimum of 5 business days between the date of application and the date of enforcement to process new requests. Legal holidays are not counted as business days.
Do You Need a Permit for a Mobile Storage Container or Moving POD?
If you need to obtain a permit for a mobile storage container, including a Moving POD, please contact:
San Francisco Public Works
Bureau of Street-Use & Mapping
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (628) 271-2000
For more information, you can visit their website:
Storage Container | Public Works
City and County of San Francisco Holidays
If you are a first time user, you will need to register and set up a password by clicking the "Not a Member?" link. You will need to provide an email to register so that we can contact you about your request. You can also submit requests by calling 311, or 415.701.2311 if you’re calling outside San Francisco.
Week of month | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
1st week | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th (Apply) | 6th | 7th |
2nd week |
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
First Date of
14th |
Posting Restrictions
Start times for moving requests must begin no earlier than 7am and end no later than 10pm daily.
For unmetered areas, “No Parking” signs must be posted no less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the enforcement start time. For metered spaces, “No Parking” signs must be posted no less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the enforcement start time. Temporary no parking signs do not supersede existing parking and traffic regulations, like street cleaning signs, No Stopping signs, No Parking signs, or Red Color Curb zones.
White zones can be blocked off with written permission from the owner of the White Zone and submitted to temporarysign@sfmta.com. Written permission must include Name of white zone owner, date/time of allowed use, and the Service Request Number it is associated with. Forwarding the email from the white zone owner is acceptable as long as it meets the required information guidelines.
Prohibited Uses
Temporary TANS signs are not to be used to provide or reserve on-street parking for personal vehicles. For example, spaces cannot be used to provide attendee parking for special events, parties, graduation ceremonies, fund raisers or any other related use. Organizers are responsible for providing off-street parking options for their guests or encouraging them to take alternative modes of transportation. SFMTA policies do not support privatization of parking spaces, making them temporarily unavailable to the public for parking of personal vehicles. Temporary TANS signs are also not intended to provide parking for private, for-profit entities to conduct business within the public right of way. Temporary TANS signs are also not intended to bypass street occupancy or encroachment permits required by the Department of Public Works for the placement of objects on the public right of way (for example, storage or debris boxes).
Fees, Billing, & Posting Signs
Following the submission of your application, you will be contacted by a Temporary Sign staff member via email, and they will let you know if your application is approved or denied. If your application is approved they will provide you with the exact fee amount, payment instructions, and information on how the signs will be posted. Fee amounts are based on an inspection of the requested area by Temporary Sign staff.
Following application submission and approval, your temporary signs will be posted and the zone will be enforceable according to San Francisco Traffic Code. The no parking zone will be approved for as many consecutive days as possible, and will be billed in five-day increments for metered spaces and seven-day increments for unmetered spaces.
SFMTA – Temp Sign Fees - FY 23/24 & FY 24/25
Temporary No Parking Sign Posting Fee – associated with ISCOTT permit (Application filed 14 days + before event)
Description | Effective July 1, 2023 | Effective July 1, 2024 |
1-4 Signs | $322 | $334 |
5-9 Signs | $431 | $447 |
10-15 Signs | $538 | $558 |
16-21 Signs | $647 | $671 |
22-28 Signs | $752 | $780 |
29-35 Signs | $861 | $893 |
36-43 Signs | $969 | $1006 |
44-51 Signs | $1,078 | $1119 |
52 or More Signs | $18 for each additional sign | $19 for each additional sign |
Late Filing Fee (less than 14 days before event) | $131 |
Temporary No Parking Sign Posting Fee – through the SFMTA Portal or 311 (for permit up to 3 days)
Description | Effective July 1, 2023 | Effective July 1, 2024 |
1-4 Signs | $320 | $332 |
5-9 Signs | $440 | $457 |
10-15 Signs | $553 | $574 |
16-21 Signs | $664 | $689 |
22-28 Signs | $772 | $801 |
29-35 Signs | $884 | $917 |
36-43 Signs | $992 | $1029 |
44-51 Signs | $1,105 | $1147 |
52 or More Signs | $18 for each additional sign |
$19 for each additional sign |
Application Filed for 311 Temporary Signs Additional Fee (4 to 7 days) | $58 | $60 |
Design Change Fee | $58 | $60 |
Metered Locations Require One Sign per meter or metered space: $15.00 per meter per day. The fee shall be $16.00 per meter per day – effective July 1, 2023.
Credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express), cashier’s and company checks, and money orders, are accepted for payment. Checks should be made payable to “SFMTA – Temporary Sign.” Please note that personal checks are not accepted for payment.
Cancellation & Refund
When contacting 311 regarding the posting of Temporary No Stopping signs, this is considered your application to post the signs on your behalf. If the signs are approved, you have 24 hours after the approval email to cancel or make changes without incurring fees. Any changes or cancellations made more than 24 hours after the approval email is sent will be subject to fees. You are required to notify us 24 hours in advance of your posting of any issues with the signs to allow time for the SFMTA to repost the signs. All overdue payments will be sent to the City Attorney's office for collection.
Port of San Francisco Streets
Please note that applications on Port Property require a minimum of 15 calendar days between date of request and date of event.
For specific streets that are under Port’s jurisdiction, please see the Port's Jurisdiction Map for a full List of Meters Under Port Jurisdiction as of November 2012 (accessible PDF).
Temporary No Stopping signs do not cover posting of signs for construction work. Construction no parking signs are under the purview of the Department of Public Works. To create a temporary tow-away zone for areas in which you will be performing construction (on public or private property), please refer to the San Francisco Public Works Temporary Occupancy page.
Venue Self-Posting Pilot
In coordination with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development and the Entertainment Commission, select venues that had expressed interest in participating in a 6-month pilot that allows for self-posting of temporary tow-away signage for events. We have posted guidelines and relevant documentation for self-posting participants. Decisions and legislation for a permanent program and applicable venues will be established by the end of 2025.
Contact Us
For further information about temporary signage, please contact us by:
Email: TemporarySign@sfmta.com
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM