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14 Mission Rapid Project approved by SFMTA Board

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Muni Forward logoOn Tuesday, December 1, the SFMTA Board of Directors voted to approve the 14 Mission Rapid Project! This phase of the project focuses on the inner portion of the Mission corridor between 11th and Randall, and includes a suite of treatments to improve Muni relialbity, reduce transit travel time, and enhance safety for people walking along Mission Street. 

The capital improvements approved by the Board are expected to save up to five minutes in travel time each way, and include transit-only lanes, transit and pedestrian bulbs, stop consolidation, turn pockets, and turn restrictions. 

With the project approved for implementation, we're ready to get these improvements on the ground! Our tentative timeline involves the first phase of the project to hit the streets in early 2016, which will include the turn restrictions, stop consolidation and red transit-only lanes. The more permanent street features like transit and pedestrian bulbs will arrive in 2017. Stay tuned for updates as a more complete construction schedule is finalized!