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Temporary Bus Stop Move Haight & Fillmore
Contractors for SF Public Works on the Haight & Hayes project will be working in the intersection of Haight and Fillmore. Muni bus stops at Haight & Fillmore in both directions will be moved. Inbound...
Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Meeting September 24, 2020
9-24-20 Board Secretary Search Committee meeting
Due to the COVID-19 health emergency and to protect our Board Members, SFMTA staff, and members of the public, the Board’s Meeting Room at One South Van Ness Avenue is closed. Members of the public...
9-25-20 Board Secretary Search Committee meeting
Due to the COVID-19 health emergency and to protect our Board Members, SFMTA staff, and members of the public, the Board’s Meeting Room at One South Van Ness Avenue is closed. Members of the public...
Watch: Community Meeting for the 43 Masonic and 44 O'Shaughnessy Temporary Emergency Transit Lanes on September 16, 2020
Along with other key locations across the city, the SFMTA is installing temporary emergency transit lanes on segments of the 43 Masonic and 44 O'Shaughnessy Muni routes to keep buses out of traffic...
Geary Rapid Project Construction Forecast: October 17 - October 30, 2020
Photo: Concrete sidewalk restoration at Divisadero and Geary streets Construction Forecast: October 17 – October 30, 2020 As part of the Geary Rapid Project , work to replace aging water lines, in...
Geary Rapid Project Construction Forecast: October 24 - November 6, 2020
Photo: Crews finishing concrete on the expanded center median pedestrian refuge at Divisadero and Geary streets. As part of the Geary Rapid Project , work to replace aging water lines, in coordination...
Geary Rapid Project Construction Forecast: October 31 - November 13, 2020
Photo: Crews restore the pavement after installation of new underground conduits at Commonwealth Avenue and Geary Boulevard. Photo courtesy of community advocate, Tom Barton. As part of the Geary...
Temporary Bus Stop Move 11th & Harrison
Contractors for SF Public Works will be working on the 9 San Bruno Muni Forward Project to replace the stop with a boarding island as well as additional utilities upgrades. The 9, 9R, 12, 47 & 90...
Geary Rapid Project Construction Forecast: November 7 - November 20, 2020
Photo: Crews construct new median pedestrian refuge islands at Geary and Webster in preparation for the surface-level crosswalk to supplement the existing pedestrian bridge. As part of the Geary Rapid...
2-4-20 MTAB Item 10.2 Traffic Modification and TC Amendment - Bryant Street
SFMTA Weekend Transit and Traffic Advisory For Saturday, February 1, 2020
North Potrero -- proposed parking regulations (Feb 2020)
Super Bowl 50: 14R and 14X Reroutes & Terminal Changes, ends Feb. 11
Updated Feb. 10: This reroute is now through Feb. 11. The regular route will be served on Friday, Feb. 12. Due to the Super Bowl 50 street closures, several Muni lines have been rerouted to increase...