Transit Center Bus Deck Bay 29 (#17948)

{{ fieldValue(destination.route, 'field_route_short_name') }}
to {{ destination.shortName }}
{{ destination.predictions.join(', ') }} {{ timeSuffix }}
{{ aria.message }}

This stop is on level 3 of the Salesforce Transbay Terminal. It is used for 25 Treasure Island service for trips leaving the terminal from 6:15 a.m. to 12 midnight.

For trips leaving the terminal from 12:30 a.m. to 6 a.m., the bus deck is closed. Use Transit Center Bus Plaza Bay E at street level.

  • Chinese New Year Parade on Sat., 5pm. Major downtown Muni reroutes.

    Route & Arrival Details

    Treasure Island

    24 hours daily

    Destination Predicted Arrivals
    {{ shortName }} {{ reduceDestinationPredictions(destination.predictions) }}
    Live Map