FINAL UPDATE: Delay on San Bruno btwn Harkness and Wilde has cleared. IB/OB 8/8AX and 9/9R resuming regular service. (More: 10 in last 48 hours)

TRP Objective 5: Infrastructure and Mobility

Objective 5: Adapt and implement transportation infrastructure and services to meet the demands of the current crisis and enable long-term mobility strategies.
The TRP is San Francisco’s opportunity to address the shortcomings of our transportation system and recover purposefully. Emergency measures we put in place now not only help us to meet the demands of the current crisis but lay the groundwork for future mobility needs. That’s why we are documenting the physical changes we are making to our system throughout the crisis as well as our Muni Service performance.

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Advance Installation of Temporary Emergency Transit Lanes

Enhance Transit Service and Performance

Advance Installation of Bike Lanes