Potrero Yard Modernization Project - SF Planning Department Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Scoping Meeting Video

The project sponsor, the SFMTA, proposes to replace the existing Potrero Yard transit facility with a new facility. The new facility would accommodate bus maintenance, storage, operation and administration uses; residential uses; and ground-floor active uses. Additional details about the environmental review process are provided in the the department’s webpage at sfplanning.org/sfceqadocs. If you have questions or comments, please contact Laura Lynch, CPC.PotreroYardEIR@ sfgov.org, (628) 652-7554 by September 18, 2020. 

This video created by the San Francisco Planning Department is a presentation for the Potrero Yard Modernization Project - Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Scoping Meeting. A virtual scoping meeting will be held on September 2nd, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. For more information on the scoping meeting and project, please visit https://sfplanning.org/sfceqadocs.

Public comments concerning the scope of the EIR will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on September 18, 2020. Written comments should be addressed to Laura Lynch, EIR Coordinator, San Francisco Planning Department, 49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 1400, San Francisco, CA 94103 or cpc.PotreroYardEIR@sfgov.org.