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Proposed 19 Polk Stop Changes (Southbound Only)

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8th Street Safety Project - Phase 2
Proposed 19 Polk Stop Changes (Southbound Only)

In addition to pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvements, the 8th Street Safety Project - Phase 2 is proposing changes to bus stops serving the 19 Polk on southbound 8th Street between Harrison and Townsend streets. These changes include transit boarding islands and stop optimization to improve transit speed and reliability.

  • Stops proposed for removal: 8th/Bryant (near side), 8th/Townsend (near side)
  • Stops moved to far side of the intersection: 8th/Brannan
  • Stops upgraded to transit boarding islands: 8th/Harrison, 8th/Brannan

Map of stop upgrades, removals, and relocations for the 19 Polk on 8th Street

You can provide comments or feedback on these proposed changes by emailing, or in person at the Friday, December 29th Public Hearing at 10 a.m., located in City Hall room 416. 

An illustration of the proposed changes can be found here. For additional information related to the project, please visit