UPDATE: #SFMuni Market Street service resuming normal operations btwn 3rd and 4th in both directions. (More: 26 in last 48 hours)

TRP Objective 2: Economic Recovery

Objective 2: Support a strong economic recovery by enabling innovative uses of the right of way (including streets and sidewalks) and promoting efficient transportation modes such as walking and bicycling, while protecting transit for those who depend on it.

The second objective of the TRP is to support a strong economic recovery by ensuring the transportation network evolves to meet changing mobility needs of the region. As the Bay Area progresses from shelter-in-place through each level of increasing economic activity, we will promote efficient transportation alternatives such as walking and bicycling. Innovative programs such as the city’s Shared Spaces program and SFMTA’s Slow Streets help San Francisco to activate the right-of-way for physically distant, open air economic activity and recreational use. In addition, these programs help ensure that Muni Service is available for essential workers and those who depend on it by expanding a variety of alternatives. This dashboard demonstrates the SFMTA’s progress in advancing the Slow Streets and Shared Spaces program, as well as the availability of alternative modes.

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Expand alternative right of way uses for economic activity, recreation, exercise and essential trips

Expand avalibility of shared mobility alternatives