Active Communities at the SFMTA Board
On August 1st, we provided an update on the Active Communities Plan to the SFMTA Board of Directors. This presentation included lessons learned from outreach, network analysis, and collision analysis, and key takeaways that will guide the development of the plan. Read our Board presentation, Board presentation, dive into the details in our staff report, or watch our presentation to the Board on video (starts at about the one-hour mark).
To date, we have engaged more than 4500 residents through surveys, in-neighborhood events, community bike rides, public hearings, and more. Through partnerships with community-based organizations, we have also co-hosted 25 community events and 20 neighborhood bike rides.
Participants at the D5 Community Bike Ride, July 28th
This public input, along with our analysis of collisions and network use (which can be viewed through our Interactive Map tool), will directly inform the draft network recommendations – which we’ll be sharing with the public in October.
Upcoming events:
8/18 - Community Bike Ride – Join SFMTA, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, and KidSafe SF for a community bike ride through District 6 with Supervisor Dorsey. District 6 includes SOMA, Mission Bay, East Cut, and Treasure Island. You can register for the event here: Registration Link
8/20 - SFMTA Bike Ride – Join SFMTA, Potrero Boosters, Dogpatch Neighborhood Association, and the Eastside SF Bike & Scooter Alliance for an audit bike ride along Illinois Street in District 10. Join us to provide feedback and help imagine a better Illinois Street. No registration required.
What’s next?
Based on feedback from surveys, community outreach, and technical analyses, we are working to develop a draft Active Transportation Network, which will be shared in the Fall.
As always, if you’d like us to attend your community meeting or event, contact and let us know!
To stay up to date and find opportunities to get involved, visit