The SFMTA is proposing a traffic diverter at Noe Street and 15th Street to reduce traffic to meet the SFMTA Board-set volume target of 1,000 vehicles per day on Slow Streets.
The Slow Streets team has spent several months speaking with businesses along Noe Street and hearing from dozens of neighbors by email and on the street. We’re thankful for everyone who took the time to write in or speak with us on the street.
We reviewed three different diversion concepts with stakeholders. The first two options, a median diverter and a diagonal diverter, would address both north and southbound through traffic on Noe Street. The third option, a northbound-only diverter, restricts only northbound vehicle traffic on Noe Street. After combining all the feedback we’ve received thus far, we’re now advancing the northbound-only diverter (Option 3). This design accounts for the complex access needs of businesses on Noe Street near Market Street, the farmers’ market, and the monthly art mart by keeping 15th Street available for local circulation. It is designed to reduce traffic volumes on the Noe Slow Street while minimizing circulation changes.
The proposal also includes a concept called ‘daylighting’, now required by State law. Daylighting means restricting parking within up to 20 feet of a crosswalk to increase the visibility of people walking, thereby enhancing pedestrian safety. This will be implemented at eight intersection approaches: Noe/Henry, Noe/15th, and Noe/Beaver.
View the proposed design here, as well as posted on poles at intersections along Noe, Castro, and Sanchez Streets.

The proposal is anticipated to go to a public hearing this summer. We will send another email once that date is confirmed, and additional notices will be posted along Noe Street and adjacent streets.
Questions? Please reach out to the project team at and include "Noe Street" in the subject line.