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Mission Street changes rolling out this month

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The changes for the Mission Street Rapid Project, approved by the SFMTA Board last month, are underway.

Specifically, on Saturday, October 1, the northbound required right turns at Mission/26th and Mission/22nd will be removed.

  • Public Works will be repaving northbound Mission between Cesar Chavez and 26th streets, and northbound Mission between 23rd and 22nd streets
  • Construction will take place from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. During these hours residents may experience noise related to the repaving.   
  • Private automobiles will be termporarily diverted off Mission Street within the construction zone during the hours listed above.
  • The 14 Mission and 49 Van Ness/Mission service will continue without interruption during hours of operation; however, Muni lines may experience slight delays.

Additionally, the southbound stop at Cortland has been moved to the near side of the intersection, to allow customers to board at the extended sidewalk. The left turn exemption for taxi's at Mission/21st is also in place.