Two items related to the Octavia Boulevard Enhancement Project will be heard at the upcoming Engineering Public Hearing on Friday, November 13, at 10am in City Hall Room 420.
Page Street at Octavia Boulevard Bicycle Spot Improvements
Based on planning and public input associated with the Octavia Boulevard Enhancement Project (including most recently a walking tour of Page Street on September 22, 2015), the SFMTA is proposing the addition of a dedicated, center-running bike lane for eastbound Page Street between Octavia Boulevard and Laguna Street. The proposal also includes the addition of "bike boxes", or formalized waiting areas ahead of stopped vehicles, and a short westbound bike lane at the intersection. The Page Street and Octavia Boulevard intersection is identified on the City's "High Injury Network" for both vehicles and bicyclists.This proposal would not impact existing traffic circulation, and would remove two parking spaces associated with the westbound bike lane/bike box.
A summary graphic of the proposal is available on the project website or by clicking here. Final approval of the proposal would occur at a future MTA Board hearing in January, which is not yet scheduled.
The potential for re-establishing a passenger loading (white) zone in front of the Greater Grace Temple Church will be considered at a Color Curb Public Hearing to be held on December 18th, 2015.
Intersection Daylighting (Red Zones) at the Gough/Page and Franklin/Grove Intersections
Related to a larger intersection daylighting proposal for Hayes Valley that was heard and approved earlier this year, two locations with metered parking stalls are proposed for conversion to red zones (no parking zones) in order to improve pedestrian visibility at key crossing locations. These locations are the west side of Gough Street just north of Page Street, and the south side of Grove Street just west of Franklin Street. These two locations will be heard at the public hearing in addition to the Page/Octavia proposal, and would not require further public approvals before implementation.