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Please see Related Projects on this page for current project information. We are keeping this page as a record of SFMTA outreach.

Celebrating a better Geary

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The Geary Rapid Project is complete! And we couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks to our community partners, residents and merchants along the corridor for your support and patience throughout construction. It is your feedback that has helped to build a better Geary for everyone who uses the corridor. 

Now that the project is finished, we’re excited to share the many ways it has made traveling on Geary a safer, more accessible experience for everyone. Check out the resources below to learn more.

Image from Geary video with playbuttonGeary Boulevard has a troubling past that echoes into the present. Learn how, with local input, the Geary Rapid Project is helping to reconnect communities divided by urban renewal in the Western Addition.

Watch the Video


Image of interactive mapTake a tour of Geary Rapid Project features from home or on your phone! Click below to explore an interactive map of project highlights, plus a few neighborhood gems.

Explore the Interactive Map



Image of Mayor London Breed and community members cutting ribbon for the Geary Rapid ProjectDid you miss the Geary Rapid Project ribbon cutting celebration? Check out this recap, including a short video of highlights from the event.

Read about the Geary Ribbon Cutting