We're happy to share that the L Taraval Improvement Project has been substantially completed! And we couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks to our community partners, residents and merchants for your support and patience throughout the project design and construction. Your input has helped to build a better Taraval for everyone who enjoys the corridor.
L Taraval Train Service Returns
Beginning Saturday, September 28, L Taraval trains will resume service between Embarcadero Station and SF Zoo. Riders will once again be able to enjoy a one-seat ride from downtown to the beach. Trains will run on 10-minute frequencies on weekdays and 12-minutes on weekends. Board trains at the platform or street instead of using the buses at the curb. L Bus service will be discontinued.
A Better, Safer Taraval
The L Taraval Improvement Project was a multi-agency effort between the SFMTA, SF Public Utilities Commission and SF Public Works to upgrade and add new infrastructure along the L Taraval line between West Portal and the Zoo.
To reduce impacts to the community, the two-mile-long project was split into two segments, both completed on time and on budget. Here are a few project highlights:
- Improved Muni service: We’ve upgraded the L Taraval train tracks for the first time in almost 50 years. These new rails will make for a smoother, quieter ride and require less maintenance. Five new traffic signals with transit priority will help make the L Taraval more reliable. We’ve also completely replaced the Overhead Contact System (OCS) that powers the trains.
- Safer streets: Before this project, nearly five people were hit every year getting on or off the train. To address this, we’ve installed 22 new or extended boarding islands so riders no longer have to board directly onto the street alongside traffic. 11 pedestrian bulb-outs and new high-visibility crosswalks will help make it safer for people to cross at intersections.
- Accessibility: People with limited mobility can board trains more easily at accessible stops with elevated platforms installed at key locations along the route. We've also installed new curb ramps and Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) at intersections along the corridor.
- Upgraded utilities: Many of the utility lines along Taraval Street were over a century old. The sewer and water pipes have been completely upgraded, which will avoid costly failures and ensure taps and toilets that flow smoothly for the next 100 years.
- Beautification: Over 175 new trees, median landscaping and public art were installed, chosen with community input. Taraval Street was also repaved from curb to curb, making for a smoother ride for everyone.
- The future is looking bright: 71 new streetlights with upgraded LED lighting have been added along Taraval Street.
- Coming later: All train platforms will have new Muni shelters with Next Generation real-time displays.
While the biggest work is behind us, please note there are still a few smaller “punch list” items remaining, such as adjusting utility lines, refreshing transit lane paint, boarding island grout work, removing construction materials and installing transit shelters.
We’re excited for you to begin enjoying your new Taraval Street—from West Portal to Parkside to the beach—with a safer, more reliable ride.
Have questions or feedback? Contact us at LTaravalProject@SFMTA.com