The project team would like to provide an update on the Page Street Bikeway Improvements Pilot, which was implemented in March 2020. As promised, we collected a first round of traffic data in the summer and would like to share some preliminary results about what we found.
Evaluation update
Though traffic patterns are still affected by the pandemic, we collected data on key metrics in June 2020. On-going evaluation allows us to track possible safety and operational issues as well as how traffic is moving throughout the neighborhood over time.
While our results are only a snapshot of evolving and variable traffic patterns, we summarize key results for each of the areas we studied.
- We recorded similar numbers of vehicles entering and exiting the Central Freeway at Octavia Boulevard & Market Street in June as compared with pre-pilot/COVID-19 conditions. This suggests that the same number of freeway-based trips are being served without Page Street as an access route.
- We observed lower numbers of vehicles and unchanged travel speeds in the neighborhood, including on Laguna Street.
Vehicle backups
- Backups on both Oak and Haight streets were much shorter during the morning peak as compared with pre-pilot/COVID-19 conditions.
- Backups on Oak Street extended past Webster Street in the afternoon, with ‘rush hour’ starting and ending a bit earlier.
Blocking intersections and crosswalks
- We found far fewer instances of intersection blocking on Oak Street — ‘blocking the box’ occurred during 30-50% of the hour before the pilot/COVID-19, but only 18% of traffic light cycles at Oak & Buchanan in June.
Though traffic volumes have been steadily picking back up throughout the Bay Area, travel patterns are still impacted and difficult to study. With John Muir Elementary at the heart of our pilot area, we’re challenged by the inability to look at school trips this calendar year.
Although this pilot evaluation effort has been forced to take a ‘wait and see’ approach due to COVID-19, the summer 2020 data reveals no surprises and is being shared with the community as part of our commitment to transparency in decision-making.
Next steps
The most immediate next step will be our public perception survey coming next month. Please keep an eye to your inbox or the project website in October for an opportunity to share your thoughts on recent changes on Page Street.
As mentioned in the last project update, we’re also working to understand the pilot project’s relationship to the Page ‘Slow Street’ extending to Stanyan Street and Golden Gate Park.
Our team will continue to consider how best to study the pilot project given the effects of the pandemic and San Francisco’s recovery efforts. We look forward to opening the public perception survey next month and sharing a timeline for considering whether or not to make these changes permanent later this year.