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Welcome to the Williams Avenue Quick-Build Project!

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Williams Avenue

Welcome to the Williams Avenue Quick-Build Project!

As part of the Bayview Quick-Build Transportation Projects, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is continuing to advance traffic safety improvements informed by the Bayview Community-Based Transportation Plan. Quick-build projects focus on the implementation of safety improvements on streets which are on the Vision Zero High Injury Network (HIN), the 13% of streets that disproportionately account for 75% of the City’s injuries and fatalities – including Williams Avenue.

Over the past five years, there have been 20 reported collisions on Williams Avenue between 3rd Street and Phelps Street that resulted in injury. Failure to yield at crosswalks accounted for the majority of these collisions on the project corridor. The project’s overall goal is to improve pedestrian visibility and comfort at crossings and reduce vehicle speeds.

What is a ‘Quick-Build’ Project?

Quick-build projects are reversible, adjustable traffic safety improvements that can be installed relatively quickly. Potential quick-build type improvements for Williams Avenue include:

  • High-visibility pedestrian crosswalks and flashing beacons
  • Travel lane reduction
  • Painted safety zones
  • Painted medians

Fall 2020: Planning, Design, and Community Outreach. Spring 2021: Environmental Review and Project Approvals. Summer 2021: Construction.

Throughout the planning phase, SFMTA staff will work with local community stakeholders to determine priorities and needs. There will also be opportunities for the community to provide direct input to inform the project design.

For more information about Williams Avenue and other Bayview Quick-Build Transportation Projects, please visit or email us at