FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Tioga btwn Delta and Rutland has cleared. IB 56 resuming regular service. (More: 10 in last 48 hours)

27 Bryant Transit Reliability Project

Project Introduction

The 27 Bryant Transit Reliability Project focuses on improvements on the route north of Market Street in the Tenderloin and Nob Hill neighborhoods where the bus experiences has experienced the most delay and slowest travel times.  

The 27 Bryant Transit Reliability Project’s goals include making the 27 Bryant more reliable and improving traffic safety for people walking along the route between Market Street and Jackson at Van Ness. By focusing on the slowest segments, we aim to improve reliability for the entire route, better serving customers in SoMa and the Mission neighborhoods as well.  

In April 2019, the SFMTA Board of Directors unanimously approved the implementation of the proposed improvements after two years of comprehensive engagement with community partners. In March 2020, the 27 Bryant line was temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

When the 27 Bryant returned to service in January 2021, it returned as a temporary modified route traveling on 7th and 8th Streets. This modified route uses the transit lanes on 7th and 8th streets to improve service reliability and build on the foundation of the 27 Bryant Transit Reliability Project. In December 2021, after receiving feedback from community members and evaluating the performance of the 27 Bryant on the transit lanes, the modified route was made permanent upon approval by the SFMTA Board of Directors.  

Map showing temporary routing of 27 Bryant on 7th and 8th Streets instead of 5th StreetProject Implementation

Phase I

In August 2019, the SFMTA started the initial phase of the 27 Bryant Project to deliver transit reliability and safety benefits in advance of the full project construction. A route update and bus stop removals went into effect on August 10, 2019. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the scope of the project was adjusted in January 2021 to include a temporary modified reroute via 7th and 8th streets where transit-only lanes were installed. The 27 Bryant traveling on 7th and 8th streets has impacted the final block-by-block project improvements. For example, sidewalk extensions for Eddy and Ellis streets are no longer a part of the scope of work. 

Phase II

In 2020 and 2021,  due to COVID response and recovery, the 27 Bryant project was put on hold. Progress continued, however, as SFMTA and San Francisco Public Works developed detailed designs for sidewalk extensions at bus stops (transit bulbs) and at intersection corners (pedestrian bulbs). Construction of the project began in July 2022 along Leavenworth and is slated for completion in early 2023 

    Muni Forward
    Project Timeline 
    Spring - Summer 2018
    Public Outreach
    Fall 2018 - Winter 2019
    Develop Project Proposal / Continue Public Outreach
    Spring 2019
    SFMTA Board Approval
    Late Summer 2019
    Early Implementation
    Winter 2022
    Detailed Design
    Summer 2022
    Begin Full Project Implementation
    Project Status
    Implementation / Construction
    Project Success
    On schedule
    Route adjustment to make the bus more reliable
    Bus stop location changes, including removing some stops, to help reduce delays
    Wider sidewalks at bus stops to eliminate need for buses to exit and re-enter the travel lane, saving travel time
    SFMTA Accessibility icon
    Wider sidewalks at bus stops for easier, safer boarding
    Pedestrian signal upgrades to give people walking a head start crossing the intersection
    High-visibility crosswalks to improve safety for people crossing the street
    Sidewalk extensions at corners to increase the visibility of people waiting to cross the street, shorten crossing distances and slow down turning vehicles
    Bus Routes and Rail Lines

    Transit and Safety Needs

    The 27 Bryant is a route that residents depend on to commute to work and connect to other transit lines. It is also a neighborhood route that many use to reach grocery stores, hospitals, affordable housing, senior centers and more.

    A key bus connection that serves people from a variety of backgrounds, the 27 Bryant was identified as a priority route in the Muni Service Equity Strategy to address neighborhood transit needs.

    As one of Muni’s ten slowest routes, improving the reliability of the 27 Bryant bus is critical to better serving the community. Keeping the 27 Bryant on schedule is a top priority for riders.

    Additionally three-quarters of the streets on the 27 Bryant’s route through the Tenderloin and Nob Hill are high-injury corridors that have the most severe and fatal traffic injuries in San Francisco. Many of these injury collisions involve people walking in the neighborhood. This needs to change. Improvements to the 27 Bryant route for people walking are critical to achieving the city's Vision Zero goal to eliminate all traffic deaths by 2024.

    Stay Updated

    Please sign up for project alerts to stay informed on the latest 27 Bryant Project updates. 

    Thank you for your Feedback

    Thank you for all of the feedback we received from over 500 diverse stakeholders in the Tenderloin, Nob Hill, SoMa and the Mission neighborhoods. We've put together highlights of the community's feedback as well as a short video of residents sharing their experiences with the 27 Bryant. Customer feedback was provided in English, Chinese and Spanish.


    Muni Forward
    Vision Zero SF logo
    Contact Information
    27 Bryant Transit Reliability Project
    Jean Long, Transit Planner
    Mariana Maguire, Public Relations Officer