FINAL UPDATE: Track system issue has been resolved. IB #subwaysvc will experience residual slow moving service, esp
Muni Alerts
UPDATE: We're in the process of using a train to "sweep" the IB trackway in order to get the system back into corre
ATTN: IB #subwaysvc delayed btwn Van Ness and Embarcadero due to a track system issue. We are working to clear. IB
FINAL UPDATE: California Cable Car line back up and running. Thank you for your patience.
ATTN: California Cable Car currently down due to a mechanical issue. Please consider taking the 1 California.
HeadsUp: Early closure of the #MuniMetro subway will take place nightly at 9:30pm starting tonight thru Sat., 8/27
HeadsUp: Early closure of the #MuniMetro subway will take place nightly at 9:30pm from Thur., 8/18 thru Sat., 8/27
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Market and 9th cleared. OB #FMarket has resumed service.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Clay btwn Leavenworth and Jones has cleared. IB/OB 1 resuming regular service.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Market and Laguna cleared. IB/OB #FMarket resuming regular service.
ATTN: IB 1 blocked on Clay btwn Leavenworth and Jones by #SFFD activity. IB 1 will reroute via Leavenworth to Washington to Jones to Clay.
UPDATE: OB #FMarket will switch back at Market and 11th. Use #subwaysvc btwn Van Ness and Castro.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Third and 22nd has cleared. IB/OB #TThird, OB 48, and OB 55 resuming regular service.
UPDATE: OB 48 reroute has been revised. OB 48 will now reroute via Illinois to 23rd to Indiana to 22nd.
UPDATE: The 48 and 55 will also reroute around 3rd & 22nd. OB 55 via Tennessee to 19th to 3rd to 20th. OB 48 via Il
UPDATE: The 15 will make local T stops btwn 3rd/Hudson and Chase Center.
UPDATE: IB #TThird will switch back at Chase Center. OB T trains will switch back at 3rd & Evans. Bus shuttles, onc
HeadsUp: If you're looking for something to do this weekend there are a number of events across the city taking pla